Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In the PIT... Pittsburgh that is !

We made it out of cold Switzerland only to arrive in a freezing Pittsburgh. It's been -8C or 17F which made venturing outside a bit difficult - but we did it anyway. My sister Marilyn, her husband Mark and their daughter Hailey made us completely welcome in their warm and food-filled home. Yummm. It was one feast followed by another - they love to cook and Bill and I love to EAT. Was a perfect fit! Aaron, my nephew was away at college so we didn't get to see him, we'll just have to wait till next time. We did manage to spend a bit of time with Walter White though :)
I was going to attach a slide show, but I can't figure it out. We're waiting at the airport for our next flight to California and don't have time, so here's a few pics instead.
Bill and Mark shoveling snow

The sisters

Moose, aka Moosie

Walking in the neighbourhood

Man it was cold!

Smiling since we're almost home

Aaaaaa, warmth

Aaaaa, had a few Moscow Mules! Not Hailey of course :)


  1. Hi Bill&Carolyn!

    Good to see that you have arrived safely! Nice pictures, would love to have some snow here.. :-)


  2. Hi there,

    still no snow here like David said... but where is the news from you?

